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Make jest work in a project with at-sign imports

I added jest to an existing project and put a cover.test.js files alongside the original cover.js file.

We’re just testing pure JS functions here. Not components.

First gotcha is that the Getting Started docs don’t mention importing any jest functions, but I found that I needed to, to appease the IDE (if not the actual build-and-run). So pop these in your file:

import { test, expect, describe } from "@jest/globals";

Second gotcha was that every test run came back with some error like:

Cannot find module '@/common/cover' from 'src/common/cover.test.js'

Alright… so the test file can’t follow the at-sign reference to the code under test. No problem, I’ll rewrite the imports using dots…

But if I amended the import paths in the test.js files to relative paths starting with dot instead of @, I got the same error one level deeper (where the code under test is importing some other dependency):

Cannot find module '@/constants/common.constants' from 'src/common/cover.js'

This made me think “Ok, jest is not running in the ‘use @ for root’ scope which the rest of the program knows to use”.

We’re running vue-cli so I considered adding a vue-cli testing add-on, but thanks to my skepticism about adding big packages, I did some more searching and settled on a piece of jest config:

module.exports = {
  moduleNameMapper: {
    "^@/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1",

…which became my jest.config.js in the root of the project. And that sorts it.

This is equivalent to a bit of jsconfig that we have, which goes:

    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "ESNext",
        "paths": {
            "@/*": [

Both piece of config map @/** to /src/** in their own special way.

After the jest config fix, I could now get my tests to pass, even with @-style references in the test code.

As always, I hope it helps you if you ended up here by Goog/Duck/Marginalia.

First post of the year 2025! Let the blogging energy flow… ⚡🔖