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My First PowerShell

PowerShell ISE

A guide to the bits that I needed when starting to use PowerShell, particularly in the context of Azure. Not a complete guide to PowerShell :) For that, try these:


For my experiments, I’m using the PowerShell ISE. Just hit the Windows key, type ‘ise’ and it will come up.

ISE Tips:

Variables and printing to terminal

You can print out text (string literals) with either single or double quotes, no cmdlet needed:



The difference is that double quotes are dynamic - they expand embedded variables (like in PHP). Here’s how to define a variable and print it within another string:

$myName = "Ste"
'Hey $myName'
"Hey $myName"

Hey $myName
Hey Ste

Note that the double quotes expand the variable but the single quotes don’t. There are more methods than these for string handling, you can find a good overview in this Scripting Guy blog post, Use PowerShell to Glue Strings Together.

You can store the result of a cmdlet in a variable but you don’t have to. Without a variable, the cmdlet will dump its result to the screen. With a variable, it won’t print out the result until you manually echo the content of the variable.

$rg = New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name '20533-Ste' -Location 'north europe'

ResourceGroupName : 20533-Ste
Location          : northeurope
ProvisioningState : Succeeded
Tags              : 
ResourceId        : /subscriptions/022db750-...-6e1be5c4a6ae/resourceGroups/20533-Ste

I think the formatting Name : Value represents the properties of an object (but I’m not 100% sure).

Error handling

You can do try-catch blocks just like in C#. In the example below, Fake-Cmdlet will fail, so “Hello World” is never printed:

try {
	"Hello World"
catch { "An error occurred" }

An error occurred

Hash Tables

Lots of cmdlets return hash tables (don’t be scared - that’s just an unsorted collection of key-value pairs). You can create your own and pass them as parameters to certain cmdlets. @ indicates a hash table. Contents goes in braces {}, pairs are separated by a semicolon ; (not a comma as you might expect). Btw, you are allowed dangling semicolons at the end of the list of properties.

$myObj = @{ name = 'Smurfs'; platform = 'Atari 2600'}

Print it out:


Name        Value                                                                              
----        -----                                                                              
name        Smurfs                                                                             
platform    Atari 2600 

Other uses of @

The @ operator can be used for a couple of other nifty uses, including as the ‘SPLAT’ operator, beyond the scope of this little guide. Check out this SO Answer about using the @ operator in PowerShell

Hash tables and Azure cmdlets

Hash tables are used for Tags on an Azure Resource Groups and Resources. I can create a tag reason=training on my existing resource group by identifying it by name and changing the Tag parameter:

Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name '20533-Ste' -Tag @{ reason = 'training' }

(I could also have just passed a -Tag parameter to the original New-AzureRmResourceGroup call)

We can pass in a pre-existing hash table variable. The collection of tags you pass to -Tag overwrites the whole existing collection.

$tags = @{ reason = 'training'; herolevel = '>9000'; }
Set-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name '20533-Ste' -Tag $tags