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Save a generated value from one SQL query to use in the next query

Say you want to insert a value into Dog and then reuse some aspect of it – such as an automatically generated ID – to use in the next query where you add a DogHouse mapping. The ID might be an identity column, or a GUID which you populated with NEWID() or something.

Overview of the pattern

We can use this in MSSQL/T-SQL:

Example 1

The tables in the example are defined like this:

create table Dog (
	ID bigint primary key identity(1,1) not null,
	Name nvarchar(20),
	Age tinyint

create table DogHouse
	DogHouseId bigint primary key identity(1,1) not null,
	DogId bigint,
	HouseId bigint

Here’s the code for the insert statements:

-- Create temp table
create table #Inserted (DogId bigint)

-- Do the insert, outputting the inserted.ID into the temp table
-- The ID is generated because it is Identity(1,1)
insert into Dog (Name, Age)
output inserted.ID into #Inserted
	('Gordon', 2)
	-- Gordon is a great name for a dog, IMO.

-- Move value to a variable and drop the temp.
declare @InsertedDogId bigint = (select * from #Inserted);
drop table #Inserted

-- Use the value in some other tables!
insert into DogHouse (DogId, HouseId)
values (@InsertedDogId, 1)

Example 2

Here’s an example using GUIDs/UUIDs/UniqueIdentifiers instead of an Identity column. Tables as follows:

create table Wolf (
	ID uniqueIdentifier primary key not null,
	Name nvarchar(20),
	Age tinyint
create table WolfPack
	WolfPackID uniqueIdentifier primary key not null,
	WolfId uniqueIdentifier,
	PackId uniqueIdentifier

Insert a Wolf using a new GUID for its ID, saving that ID to map him into a WolfPack at a later stage:

create table #Inserted (WolfId uniqueIdentifier)

insert into Wolf (ID, Name, Age)
output inserted.ID into #Inserted
	-- Here's where the Wolf's ID is first generated
	(NEWID(), 'Scary', 8)

declare @InsertedWolfId uniqueIdentifier = (select * from #Inserted);
drop table #Inserted

-- Here we pass the @InsertedWolfId into the WolfId field:
insert into WolfPack(WolfPackId, WolfId, PackId)
values (NEWID(), @InsertedWolfId, '5DDBD03B-B9B9-4F10-92A7-CB5C6F19309F')

Hope this helps someone!

Written 2015-04-22