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Some desires for this site in 2025

Blogging energy for the end of 2024 has been šŸ“‰šŸ‘‡šŸ‘Ž but the mind has been turning, so here is a mixed stream of consciousness slash list of wants for this site in the next year.

Write some stuff about Argentina. Food. Language. No a la mina?

I want stickers on the main page that lead to category sections. Category sections should allow me to further the wikification/gardenizing of this siteā€¦ upblog in name, upgarden in nature.

Look, I already drew some stickers.

I want a fast way of publishing quips to the front page. Ideally this would be backend-less, so weā€™re talking about some tooling for mobile that will update a JSON file on GitHub really.

Bonus points here for something that can ActivityPub, so that people could follow or whatever in their toots app du jour.

Also should I be looking at OpenHeart for this? Do I need the validation of Likes On The Internet???? But it requires a backend!! Kimi ga iine kuretara??

Wow Iā€™ve got a few asides here. My original intention with Tapestory was that they would publish to the website frontpage as multicoloured, 2D, comic-like tweets, but that didnā€™t get too far.

Lingomioā€¦ I got that project tantalisingly close to readiness. It is almost dogfood ready, it just has one annoying bug where it clones your offline-first ā€œbookā€ when you sign in.

Offline-first and loginless is really tricky to reconcile with user accounts! Which data do you keep, and when?

Iā€™ve lost a lot of passion for language learning šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„ estudiaba mucho para ir a Argentina, y cuando estaba alla, usando mi pequeno cerebro cada dia, fue mas como modo competenzia que modo aprendiendo, me hizo la mente en forma pobre al finalā€¦ capaz ahora comenzo a recupriar.

You will always know my castellano is free of gipity and googlate because I will leave in all the mistakes šŸ§

I considered paying for VietnamesePod101 in their winter sale; itā€™s a pretty good deal. But I donā€™t know how Iā€™m justifying investing a lot of time and focus in getting really good at a language I get very few opportunities to speak or practice. Whatā€™s the motivation?

šŸŒŗ selah šŸŒø

There are lots of other projects Iā€™d like to do or redo with sg-login. I can see a future universe of apps with single shared login, itā€™d be like Office365 for whimsical nerds.

Iā€™ve been living my coding dreams vicariously through devine these last few months, and especially enjoy following progress on his December Adventure

Why donā€™t I have a mercurial home-made time format that I use as the publication timestamps of blog posts?? Since I heard of it, Iā€™ve loved the idea of the International Fixed Calendar but I feel the months and days should have new names that are not so Gregorianā€¦ and ā€˜Solā€™ as the month between June and July??? Global North Much!

In Vietnamese the months are called Month 1, Month 2, which is utilitarian but kind of cool and easy to remember. Likewise the days are called Second Day, Third Day, etc. with Sunday having the special name ā€˜Lord Dayā€™ as the first day of the week.

I would like to write more than 12 posts/pages/updates next year! 10 is not enough to make the site feel lived-in.

This is the end of the update. If you read this, maybe you should email me sometimes, thatā€™s my social media. You can try ste at this domain. Maybe weā€™d enjoy emailing, you never know. šŸ“§

Hail The Embodied God Child, the Dawn of Redemption, which is to say, have a Merry Christmas. Christmas is so metal.