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Baby Griff

In March, we had a baby! He is an awesome baby. I respect his privacy and so there won’t be any public pictures or details about him. If you know us, message me by phone, email, or twitter!

But that’s what I’m up to. 👶🐣

Having said that, I have recently been driven back to Kinopio, made by the wonderful Pirijan, and you can check out some of my cool spaces like:

…the latest of which demonstrates a little hack/tool I made for generating big text images. It brings together Glitch and Kinopio, which is funny, because Pirijan was also the original designer on Glitch.

Kinopio has serious uses too, but I’m really enjoying the organic/indie/social/creative aspect! 🌿

I also still love Glitch, and you can see recent hackery in my apps collection on there

I’m intending to do an actual blog post about japapad, cake-icer, and svg-text at some point…!

Lots of love, Ste